Saturday, April 4, 2020

Pirates Who Misbehave

Today criminals  are punished by serving time 
in jail, probation, paying off fines , etc......or maybe even death penalty. 
Here in the U.S. Capital punishment is only used within Twenty-Eight states and rarely used.  
There are many types of Capital Punishment; lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas ,hanging,firing squad. 
These are nothing compared to the way pirates would punish/torture . There were many ways a pirate would torture/punish fellow pirates or other people. One was "Governor of an Island " also known as marooning. 
These were punishments for pirates who would leave the ship or leave their station during battle. These pirates would be left on a deserted small island ,that could not support life, with only what they had on, water, a pistol , gun powder and a they could commit suicide because being a Governor of a small island was not what it seems. 

Another way of punishment/torture pirates would use to gain information would hanging somebody by their privates until it was torn from their bodies. 
Women would also receive torture/punishment. According to the Pirates Arsenal of torture," One Spaniard reported Henry Morgan and his crew set a naked woman "upon a baking stove and roasted [her], because she did not confess" where she stashed her money." Some women would go through repeated rapes, and if they survived and returned to society, society often considered them damaged goods. 
Society wouldn't even help the women instead call them damage goods...that alone could have been torture because people might call these women nasty things for something they could/could not have prevented. 
Vallar, Cindy. “Punishing Their Own and Hunting Prey" and "The Pirates Arsenal of Torture."

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Back in time with Jeanne De Clisson (blog post 7)

"Have a good night", my professor said as she smiled and all of my peers packing to head on home after a long day.
 I say good bye to my friends and head on out to my car. As I am making my way towards my car I felt myself kick, what I thought to be a rock, but when I look down I see a sliver almost black stopwatch.
 I picked it up and stared in awe on how beautiful it looked and surprised as it did not have much starches on it. It had roman numbers around and in the center I can see its golden gears. 
I look up to see if anyone was nearby because I thought they must have dropped it ,but I saw no one. I smiled to myself and started thinking about what I learned in class today which was about the lady pirates: Jeanne De Clisson, Anne Bonny,  Mary Read, etc. 
As soon as I arrived to my car, I got in and started thinking about Jeanne De Clisson's life a little bit more while messing with the stop watch to set it at the time. As I clicked the little button on top to set the time a blue blinding flash appears from the center of the watch.
I closed my eyes shut until I hear kids laughing around and open my eyes. I notice I am not in my car anymore , instead I am in a beautiful house. As much as I wanted to explore the place I hear a glass break and quickly run to where it came from since there were kids nearby.
When I reached the room, I see Jeanne De Clisson reading a letter. I obviously started freaking out because I just learned about her in my class like an hour ago ,but I wasn't going to let that show. She quickly noticed my presence and looked up towards me.
We stared at each other for a couple of seconds but it felt like minutes, she quickly asked me god knows how many questions. I tried my best to answer all of them and asked if I could borrow some clothes since walking around in the 1500's with jeans and adidas wasn't the style yet for young girls. I quickly changed into a pastel pink dress and asked what the letter said.
As soon as I said that, the mood changed from surprised to serious. The letter informed her that her husband, Oliver De Clisson, was dead...That the King of France had ordered to behead Oliver De Clisson. She did not cry instead she said that she will avenge her husband since she really did love him. She quickly got up and started to give up her property for money and made a small army in which will be known as the black fleet. Jeanne decided to pay a visit to one of Charles De Blois loyal supporters castle, Galios de la Heuse. Boy oh boy was there blood all over Jeanne .... and I thanked God that I wasn't there when it all happen. I knew what was going to happen next so before I went back to my time I looked over to a random person and said " She will be known as the Lioness of Brittany" and ran to a location where no one could see me. I quickly thought about me sitting on my car and the blinding flash came back and next thing I knew I was sitting in my car with the dress I was given. I look down at the watch and thought what other time period would be fun to visit.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Henry Morgan The Pirate King

Many of us have heard about many ruthless pirates who murdered and robbed unfortunate souls who dared to sail out into the open sea. Among those ruthless pirates was the legendary Captain Henry Morgan. 

Henry Morgan was born around 1635, although there isn't much information about his early life he gained popularly around 1663-1674 for crimes he committed. 

He has raided many places, the first being a Spanish port of Puerto Bello in 1668. In Henry Morgan Biography- Famous Pirate it states that, " ….Morgan devised a plant of using captured Spanish nuns and priests as a human shield in his final attack.... he managed to collect impressive 250,000 pieces of eight from the raid." 

That event marked the beginning of his piracy years. The year after the attack of Puerto Bello he successfully 
raided and killed citizens of a Spanish city of Maracaibo.

 A year after that raid, Morgan attacked another port in Panama successfully. Which was the biggest event that gave him the title "The Pirate King". 
There is a saying which states what goes up must come down and unfortunately for Henry Morgan, England and Spain sign a peace treaty between them and decided to go after the famous pirate. 
As soon as Morgan was caught by England, Morgan was sent to London to receive his penalty in which surprisingly was not given to him. In the Henry Morgan Biography- Famous Pirates states that, " Because of his high standings and reputation he was not punished in any way, but was commanded to retire from naval career." It turned out great from Henry Morgan since he got to be a pirate and next thing you know he is in Jamaica governing. Henry Morgan played with life itself and managed to have this somewhat good ending to his story "The Pirate King"

*Sources Consulted*
 Henry Morgan Biography- Famous Pirate, 18 February 2020.


Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Heros And Villans

  Now in days pirates are being depicted as hero's, but we can't continue sugarcoating the truth about these murderous thieves. There are books and shows that present a pirate as hero's and some present pirates how they actually were. For instants, "Under The Black Flag" and " Buccaneers and Pirates" are novels that show these two sides of pirates yet they have some connections.
Remember why hero's are praised more than villain's, which is why a new image of pirates was created.
Through our many years the image of pirates have been edited in some way. Because of this, there are Pirated depicted as hero's and villain's. In "Buccaneers and Pirates" the narrator sugar coats the truth about pirates in an interesting way.
In this book the narrator talks about when he was younger they wanted to be a pirate. Frank's' ,the narrator of "Buccaneers and Pirates" reason for wanting to become a pirate was because, "...the absolute independence of that sort of life....In fact, I had a great desire to become what might be called the marine Robin Hood."

This is one example how the industry of film making and novels influenced the heroic side of pirates which made many young children want to become pirates. Later on Frank R. Stockton, reveals the truth about pirates but does not do it in a gruesome and horrific way in which children wouldn't want to read.
Unlike "Buccaneers and Pirates", "Under the Black Flag" by David Cordingly is the complete opposite. David Cordingly basically says the truth about pirates and drops the mic right there and then. He gives some documented stories about these murderous thieves and they are not sugarcoated like "Buccaneers and Pirates" .

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Truth

When one hears the word pirate, we tend to think about Captain hook from Peter-pan or Johnny Deep from Pirates of the Caribbean. One would describe a pirate with a eyepatch and wobbling around. Films and novels have created a new image of pirates while the real image was swept under a rug.
" Under The Black Flag" by David Cordingly is a book I am currently reading, teaching me the truth about pirates. Pirates were robbers, murders, ruthless savages. An example of this was the letter of Miss Lucretia Parker who was captured by Cuban Pirates in 1825. This letter was written to her brother and she described the death of Captain Charles Smith. This is one out of the many murders Pirates committed. Some are just too gruesome to even be posted here imagine the movie of " SAW" victims but in real life.
It is obvious that Disney would have not included the gruesome truth about pirates into their film "Pirates of the Caribbean". They want their films to be enjoyed by their audience, not scare them away. Which makes sense on why they fabricated some things about pirates. I am not pointing fingers that it was all Disney who romanticized pirates, but also the creator of "Treasure Islands " By Robert Louis Stevenson. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote this book with his intentions being of targeting a young audience to read this...more specifically young boys. When writing this story he took advise from his family and weaving it in with the story which is how we got that women were considered weak to be pirates. To get straight into the point is that the book " Treasure Islands" also help fabricated many things about pirates.
Its ok to enjoy these things but then again we can not forget the truth about pirates.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Myths About Pirates

 Pirates come and go like a wave crashing into the shore. They lived on three rules which were to attack, steal and vanish back into the ocean to do the same thing over again and because of this, pirates did not pay much attention into writing diaries about themselves or the things they would do. When things are not recorded, people tend to fabricate stories in which would later influence a persons view.    This led many myths to pop up about pirates; walking the plank, women being weak to be pirates, treasures being filled with sliver and golden coins, etc...
Some of these myths first started with a book called "Treasures Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson's and a Disney production film "Pirates of the Caribbean". The novel and the movie had a huge impact on the audience view on pirates. For example, the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" depicted pirates stealing for the poor and living their best lives on sea. Which is why people stereotype pirates on fabricated things.
If we were to go back before this novel and movie was created, pirates come from a very gory background. One myth is about walking the plank, which was fabricated by Robert Louis Stevenson, was anything but true. In reality pirates would torture their victims they have captured. At times the bodies of the victims would be thrown overboard forever lost in the sea or would become a pirates next meal. That is just the surface on how pirates would treat their victims.
Another popular myth about pirates is that women were considered weak to be a pirate. Cheng I Sao, Anny Bonny and  Mary Read are just three out of the many pirate women. 
Last but not least, and not the last myth either, the myth about pirates filling up their treasure chests with silver and gold. They wore almost all of their gold on them and spent most of it on women or other things.   
With all of this being said pirates are completely different than those of  the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" and the novel " Treasures Island". 

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

About Me

On October 30th 2019, I turned 19 years old. I was born here in Lawrenceville,Georgia. My name means Beautiful Rose and I picked this image because of it. Also my favorite color is pink. I am very friendly but very quiet. 

Pirates Who Misbehave

Today criminals  are punished by serving time  in jail, probation, paying off fines , etc......or maybe even death penalty.  Here in the...